Golden Landmarks Association’s Living Landmarks Awards Dinner
This will be GLA’s 19th year of honoring individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to Golden and its surrounding areas.
This Year’s Honorees :
The Greater Golden Chamber of Commerce–Celebrating 100 Years!!
The Golden Chamber of Commerce strives to enhance and promote a healthy economic environment in the Greater Golden Area. Through their support of chamber members and businesses, through their collaboration with community partners, the city, county and state, they aim to enhance the quality of life for the community at large.
Pat and Judy Madison
We are proud to name Pat and Judy Madison as 2020 Living Landmarks. Judy and Pat both arrived in Golden in the 1970’s and it didn’t take long before they both became deeply involved in the community. Over time they have been involved with the Golden Civic Foundation, Golden Public Schools, Foothills Arts Center, Rotary Club of Golden, the Golden Fine Arts Festival and public art projects that can be seen along Clear Creek and in front of the Foothills Animal Shelter. Judy retired as a teacher of Ceramics and Sculpture from Golden High School and Pat is the past owner of Golden Software.
Rotary Club of Golden
The Rotary Club of Golden was chartered on March 24, 1986. After 32 years of service, Golden Rotary continues to attract leaders, share ideas, and take action on projects important to our community such as spawning the Golden Backpack Program to feed hungry kids, encouraging strong academics and leadership through scholarships, supporting strong ethics through the Ethics in Business awards program, and encouraging service by youth in Middle/High School, and the School of Mines.
Please join us:
May 7th, 2021
This event has been moved to due to the continuing spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. In order to keep everyone safe we felt that this would be the better alternative. We hope you will join us on May 7th, 2021 for this wonderful event.
*We will post our ticket prices closer to the event date, to make sure we do not have to postpone again. No tickets are being sold at this time.
To Purchase Tickets:
Mail Checks to GLA: PO Box 1136, Golden CO 80402
Call GLA @ 303.279.1236 (VISA, MC, DISC, AMEX)
Or PayPal (fees apply)
Individual Tickets:
Tables of 10: